Our Parish Life brings our St. John’s community together in so many fulfilling ways.

We are witness to the words of Jesus found in Matthew’s Gospel, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” The opportunities to gather with others build faith and community. Be it, Christian Formation Classes, planning worship through the church seasons, reaching out to women in a local prison, or evenings of potlucks and storytelling, we always experience God in our midst when we gather together.

There are several ways for our members and guests to be involved in St. John’s life and ministry. If you are interested, we invite you to consider choosing the following ministries.

Liturgical Ministries

Acolyte: Serves as crucifer, torch bearer, or thurifer. We have both adult and youth acolytes

Altar Guild: Prepares the church for worship

Choir: Leads the people in song during worship and other events

Eucharistic Minister: Administers the chalice at communion

Flower Guild: Prepares the flowers for worship and special events

Lay Reader: Proclaims Scripture during worship

Ushers: Welcomes visitors and congregation members, passes out service programs, takes up the collection, guides people to communion, and straightens up afterward 


Community Meals – St. John’s offers two free meals each month, a spaghetti supper on the second Saturday, and breakfast on the last Saturday. These meals are available for dine-in or carry-out. Recently the spaghetti supper added a delivery service to take a hot meal to those unable to travel.

Food Pantry – We participate in year-round food collection for Beverly Hills Baptist Church Food Pantry, and participate in periodic food drives for Children First and Loving Food Resources.

Family 2 Family – We are an active part of a program at Reynolds High and Middle Schools that connects 19 churches/faith communities in the school district to meet the direct needs of students year-round as identified by the schools. We also furnish dorm room(s) for college-bound students from Reynolds High School. We are part of a coalition with three neighboring churches serving low-income families and crisis situations at nearby Haw Creek Elementary School. 

Habitat for Humanity – We provided labor and financial support, along with other area churches, to build homes for 13 families through Habitat for Humanity. Two parishioner families were selected for Habitat homes, including one who moved into her new Habitat home last summer.

Food, Food, and More Food! – St. John’s is a parish family that loves to gather in loving and supportive fellowship through meals.
• Coffee Hour is held after every Sunday service. When you leave a St. John’s Coffee Hour you have probably just had a sufficient lunch!
• “Feasts” or communal meals are held on Easter Sunday, Pentecost, and the Sunday before Thanksgiving.
• Our annual Church Picnic is celebrated in the fall at an outdoor location within a short drive of the church.
• Once a month, the AWOL Committee picks a local restaurant where all parishioners are invited to gather for more fellowship.
• Our various fundraising events typically involve some sort of meal where fun and fellowship abound.
• St. John’s also provides two free monthly meals for the community and parish.

“The time spent in fellowship with friends and family during our Community Meals Ministry is so much of what it means to be part of St. John’s church! Reaching out and sharing of ourselves with others is what St. John’s does well.”

Meeting Spaces – Our building and grounds are generously offered to several local community organizations, such as Girl Scout and Boy Scout troops, music groups, and the local neighborhood association.

Fund Raising – The congregants of St. John’s raise funds each year to contribute to parish expenses and outreach. We are successful through a variety of creative and participatory events. These include storytelling sessions, concerts, silent auctions, block parties, and yard sales. 

Organizations and Committees

Clean Team: Cleans the church and the parish hall

Coffee Hour: Encourages people to host and then assists those hosting Coffee Hour after our weekly Sunday 11 am service

Fellowship Events: Coordinates special parish meals and events such as St. John’s Feast Day (last Sunday of Epiphany); Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper; Easter Sunday Lunch; Feast of Pentecost; Parish Picnic (first Sunday in October); Thanksgiving Lunch (Sunday before Thanksgiving Day)

Stewardship: Coordinates the annual Every Member Giving campaign to not only gather in pledges but also educate the congregation about stewardship